We have created a awesome theme
Far far away,behind the word mountains, far from the countries


电压     õÌÍÔëÃ许温Óø     连续ÍïíÂ温Óø     õÌÓÞ长Óø     发热Õá     产ù¡ô©õ»
220v 85¡É 65¡É 120m 16w/m W -11.6mm
H - 4.5mm


启动温Óø£¨¡É£© 断ÖØÐïé»ÕᣨA£© õÌÓÞ长Óø£¨M£©
10 16 106¡É
20 118
30 126
0 16 102
20 109
30 118
-10 16 96
20 111
30 112
-20 16 88
20 97
30 106