We have created a awesome theme
Far far away,behind the word mountains, far from the countries


输õóÍíáã äÌ装间Ì°
õÌÓÞ连续ÞÅéÄáÜÓø õÌÓÞÞÅéÄËå离 磷电压 Ê¥热线ý§Óø
40,50 W/M 20~25cm 100¡É 70 meters 220 VAC W - 11.6mm
H - 4.5mm

PTC碳发热电缆标ñק³ PTC碳纤维Ê¥热电缆长Óø 额ïÒ电压 ÑÃ动Ííáã ùöÍíáã
1.65§³ 8m 220V 360W 220W
3.3§³ 12m 220V 540W 330W
6.6§³ 24m 220V 1,080W 660W
9.9§³ 36m 220V 1,617W 990W
13.2§³ 48m 220V 2,160W 1320W